Hi Folks                                                                                                    January 2021

As of January 1st I became the new President of ANAF 344. I wish to thank you for your confidence in me to lead our organization for the next two years, and I will do my best to meet that confidence. Accepting the nomination I expressed concern about not living in Guelph, and having a job that can require my attention 24/7, but I am sure my 25+ years of membership, past executive experience, and the incredible new executive will overcome any concern.

Your new executive includes Don Kaufman, 1st Vice; Mary Page Secretary, Dave Parkhill/Don Kaufman Co-Treasurers, and Paul Caruso, Al Bevan-Stewart, Terry Fuller and Roger Nightingale, as Directors. Welcome back Stephen Page as Sargent-at-Arms, and I look forward to Mark McAlpine’s wisdom and guidance as past president. A good team going forward.

Last year was hard. The loss of members Charlie Ford and Mike McPhee, have left wholes in our lives. Then the loss of long time staff members Sarah Eley, and Deb McKay, and even Anne Lalande will have impacts on the organization and friendships built. And then there is COVID-19 which will have financial impact, but the impact on friendships may be harder, it has been a long time since we have seen some of the Friday regulars, and Lady’s Auxiliary members (from darts). You are missed.

Going forward, this year Don Kaufman has agreed to take on a larger role in clubs management, hopefully with the ongoing support of Alistair, when and where possible. Don’s unique ability to secure alternative funding last year and the beginning of this year has kept the club feasible. Thanks from all of us.

There is one thing you can do to help us, renew your membership.  Mail us a cheque or place it in the locked mail box at the side of the building. E-transfer is an easy alternative  (a) from your financial institution web site find the e-transfer menu; (b) enter our email anafguelph@gmail.co in the “transfer to” box; (c) enter membership amount ($40 or $50; (d) in the memo box enter membership and your name; and (e) then push send.

Looking forward to club opening and having a drink with each and every one of you. In the meantime keep healthy and safe

Shoulder to Shoulder

Wayne Smith (Smitty)

President ANAF 344